December 2024 Update

Hello all and welcome to the final update of 2024 for Untold Story. Due to the holidays and stuff I didn't have as much time to work on the game as I would have liked, but I still got some stuff done. Let's head on into it!

Development Progress

Last time I mentioned there was only 5 things left to do before the marathon of polishing and editing. I'm happy to report that I have finally finished all of the side quests in this game! The hurdle has been passed! That was until I discovered a new hurdle. Let me just quickly go over what I still need to do before I can begin the polishing and playtesting marathon.

  • Place characters around the world during final switch
  • Create the final dungeon/final bosses
  • Create the ending

And that's it. The rest is playtesting - fixing - playtesting - fixing in cycles. So what's the hurdle? Well it's actually just placing all of the characters around the world! You see, Untold Story has a lot of NPCs in it. Like...over 130 of them! So the hurdle is placing over 130 of them, each with unique dialogue and references to the players choices/actions earlier in the game. It's not that hard, but it's tedious and time consuming for sure. As I've been working on that, I've also been working on the other stuff as well, so progress is still going smoothly. Now that the holidays are over that should help as well, giving me plenty of time to work! 

I'm going to give myself leeway here and aim that by the end of Februrary I'll have all of this done. Obviously earlier is better, but my goal is Februrary the game is finished, and I can spend March through May just playtesting and fixing before a release in June. Time will tell how that goes, but as always I plan to keep you updated each month!

Something New

This is an Inn. In general for RPGs, Inns are places you go to, talk to an NPC, get fully healed and leave. Untold Story has that, but I wanted to add something more to it. In the picture above, the player is controlling Rover, while the other party members are actors on the screen you can communicate with about events going on in the story. The dialogue will change as the story advances, so you can come back whenever and get new insight on how the party is feeling!

It's also dynamic based on who is the party lead. For example, if Drake leads the party, he'll disappear from his place in the Inn, and you can communicate with Rover and see his thoughts. There are a total of four places like this across the entire game. It was important to me to give players the chance to interact with the party and see how they are feeling/thinking. 

Until Next Year

That does it for the 2024 Updates, but I'll be back next month in a new year with hopefully great news to share. Thank you as always for following me on this journey. I've said it before, but I'll say it again and MEAN it this time. Next year IS the year Untold Story is finished and releases. 

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