The Acquisition of Skills, Part 2

Hello! A bit ago I posted a devlog about how I was changing up how skills are acquired in Untold Story. The idea was still new to me so I didn't have everything planned out, but that's mostly changed now! I wanted to do another post to update and explain more on some of the characters I was uncertain with before. If you want to know exactly what I'm talking about, check out the first devlog where I go in depth about what exactly is changing.

For now, here's an updated version of each of the characters!

Rover is just as he last post. Use skills X number of times to learn.

Drake: The Soul Stones idea is here, but instead of just going up to it and learning a skill, the player will now have to complete a small little minigame in order to gain the skill. Someone gave me an idea that Drake should meditate to learn the skill, and when thinking of how to translate that to gameplay, I made a little memory game where you have to focus and remember the order of buttons. It's not much I think it adds more flavor than just getting it.

Roxy: Previously I was unsure of what to do with her skills, but I found an answer that may not be the most engaging, but it certainly fits with her very well. In dungeons, there are many points where the player can interact with to get some small flavor text/information about the location and the enemies there. Roxy is a character that likes to explore, so I added some more points in dungeons. Interacting with these points will give Roxy an idea for a new skill to use! Basically, you interact with object, get some info, and learn a new skill. It's simple, but it works for Roxy.

Geoffrey: I only half had an idea for Geoffrey, but now I know the full deal! During certain points in the game, the player can return to Telles Castle so Geoffrey can do some training exercises. This is another small little minigame that requires the player to press a specific button. Complete the minigame, and earn new skills! It's similar to Drake's method, but the minigame is different and instead of being located around the world, you instead have to go to a central place to learn them.

Lazerous is the same as I mentioned before. Craft Magic ideas and learn her spells in the order you want based on Tiers.

Marcus: His method is staying the same, but I'm giving him a bit of a cosmetic change. Currently, you obtain an item that you use to teach him a new skill. Instead, you'll get a Key Item that just teaches him the skill instead. It's basically the same thing, but it will make more sense in the context of the story/character.

There is another party member you all don't know about that I had to change as well, and I really like their method of gaining skills. It's very simple but should lead to some interesting decisions, so I hope you like it to! 

That's all for this quick log, I just wanted to give some more info on the ideas I came up with and say that the new skills are all worked out at this point. It will change the balance of the game so things might need to change as well, but that's all for another time.

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