June 2024 Update

Hey! This is the June 2024 Update for Untold Story. Let's get right into it!

Development Progress

So, what's changed since last time? Well, not nearly as much as I would have liked. Work has been kicking my butt recently so I've haven't had the time to get as much done as I'd like, BUT I still did get some progress. I made an entire new dungeon and finished a couple of the quests on my todo list. Not much, but progress is progress. I've playtested more as well, getting myself up to the intermission of Chapter 3. *Note* Last May I said I was in Chapter 3, but that's wrong, I was actually in Chapter 2. My bad. This time I really am on Chapter 3. 

Now I want to breakdown the chapters more specifically. I mentioned I was in the intermission of Chapter 3, but what does that mean? Well, that's the time where you have finished the main story of the chapter, but haven't started onto the next one yet. Internally, I call these "X.5" chapters. So right now, I'm currently on Chapter 3.5 What happens during these chapters? Side quests. 

In Untold Story, the main chapters themselves are fairly linear. You start chapter 3, you follow the story, fight the boss, etc. During that time, there's little in the way of optional content. Instead, once you beat the boss and enter into the 3.5 section, that is when all of the side quests become available. Now not EVERY chapter is like that, but it is the majority. I should also mention that there are ZERO missable side quests and other such content. If you skip a side quest from Chapter 3.5, you can still do it later all the way up until the end. 

How Much Longer?

Yeah, still just gonna say by June 2025. Still, just a year from now this game will be done. Unbelievable. I know I didn't get much done this month, but I do have a vacation planned in mid July. I hope to get a lot of stuff worked on during that time. So hopefully the next time you hear from me I've got a lot to say!

Something New

Last time I talked about Energy and how EP has replaced DP, or Decisive Points. Well, what does that mean for Decisive Skills? They still use Energy and EP, but far less of it than before. Instead, I came up with another consumable that will allow players to use Decisive Skills.

These are Decisive Crystals. DCs are a shared resource amongst the entire party. Right now in the picture, the party owns 30 of them. If Rover uses this DS, that number goes down to 29. You need to think carefully about who uses what skill, because it will eat up a resource that others may need. The cost of DCs ranges from 1 to 5, with stronger abilities requiring more  to use. 

That's all I've got this time. Wish I had more progress to share, but come July I should have some good stuff. Thanks for reading and thanks for sticking around!

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